Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hi everyone!

I just started this blog, to keep it as a punishment diary of sorts. I have a dom/top, and he usually assigns punishments for my misbehavior and for breaking any of our rules. Most of the punishments are self punishments, so they will be discussed in this diary to add a bit of an embarrassment element to the punishments. Also so I can reflect on my behavior. These punishments to me, are really to try to deter me from bad behavior and myself on track in life. Although some are sexual in nature, this to me is REAL punishment for REAL reasons. Some of my rules are as follows: (This can be added to by my dom at any time as he sees fit.)

1.No excessive cursing
2.No masturbating without permission
3.No blatant disrespect
4.Accept all punishments
5.Work out (gym or some form) 3x a week
6.Stick to my diet
7.Stop spending my money so irresponsibly since I have to worry about my bills.
8.Keep up with trying to get back into school.